Hire Us for your projects and ideas…
Custom Kitchen Islands
Fireplace mantels
Outdoor Pergolas and Decks
River Epoxy Tables
Furniture of all kinds
Anything you want custom made…
Check out Jake’s one-of-a-kind Firehose American Flag in our listings!!
Found here ↓
Ideas of the work Jake can do…
…and so much more!
Living well in Middleton, ID.
Jake Fuhriman specializes in Custom woodworking. He has over 25 years of experience in all types of construction and has found a love for creating custom wood furniture and accessory pieces. Jake has a knack for creativity and can do just about anything, so don't hesitate to ask.
As a retired firefighter, Jake has created a unique one-of-a-kind Rustic American Flag out of REAL fire hose.
Jake and his wife, Melyssa, have a great desire to live healthy and productive lives, as they strive to build their business and support their community.
More of Jake’s work will be loaded on the website soon!